Our team

We have ambitions to take advocacy out of the mahogany office into the real world full of challenges and innovations.

We are lawyers created for modern business and innovative start-ups. We are not afraid of big projects and unconventional approaches to business.

We put up with the correct paragraphs and precise wording, but we like to go much further - we cut out old-fashioned and dysfunctional procedures and save clients expenses, for example, by efficient electronicization of legal processes.

Sound good? Then contact us right now.

Kateřina Janečková


I will be your right hand from the birth of your business. This way you get immediate feedback, a partner for business negotiations and the right legal framework for your business.

Languages: English, German and partly Arabic

Sídlo advokátní kanceláře se nachází v Brně, a to v prostorách Vienna Pointu na adrese Tuřanka 1583/115g. Zde můžeme klientům vedle standardního zázemí poskytnout i zcela bezbariérový přístup.

Vzhledem k časovému vytížení advokátní kanceláře je nutné se před návštěvou vždy domluvit na termínu schůzky tak, aby byla zajištěna přítomnost advokáta.



Make an appointment

We usually respond to messages within 2-3 working days.