Legal audits

We will go through your business from top to bottom. We will cut through ossified processes and propose effective changes.

What are we focusing on?

We deeply analyze the overall operation of your company. We will check not only customer and supplier relationships, but also the setting of employment relationships and internal processes.

What can we improve?

From the final analyses, we determine the phases of individual changes. We uncover weaknesses in contracts and negotiate more favorable and practical terms (e.g. faster claims processes, notifications, etc.).

Efficient electronicization

For company processes - where it is safe - we implement electronic tools that can speed up the work of employees and the operation of the entire company.

Training always prepared to measure

A legal audit is also very beneficial for start-ups. Many contractual relationships and company processes are set up in a short period of time.

Well-set conditions and processes ensure solid ground under their feet and prevent entrepreneurs from future difficulties with partners, banks or authorities.

Audit benefits

Professional legal audit

Transition to electronization of processes

Revealing weak and risky places

Creation of a stable legal background

Better conditions and practical recommendations

Proven and safe procedures